2017 SPOGA +GAFA Trade Fair 2017-09-03
Event Type: 2017 SPOGA +GAFA
Date: SEPT.03 ~ SEPT.05 2017
Opening times: Daily from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Koelnmesse
Name of exhibitor: Natilus NFC Co.,Ltd
Hall / Stand No: 4.2 / G-051B
Event Type: 2017 SPOGA +GAFA
Date: SEPT.03 ~ SEPT.05 2017
Opening times: Daily from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Koelnmesse
Name of exhibitor: Natilus NFC Co.,Ltd
Hall / Stand No: 4.2 / G-051B
With more than a decade’s dedication in the nature fiber polymer composite products business, Nautilus is ready to take a big step to integrate the key elements along the value chain together which includes new materials research, new application development, supply chain efficiency enhancement and operation productivity improvement.
Email : service@nautilusnfc.com
Telephone : +886-2-2541-8859
Web : http://www.nautilusnfc.com